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Soft Skills in English

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Soft Skills in English

Počet nalezených akcí: 3

Soft skills

Soft skills in English jsou kurzy zacílené na váš osobnostní a profesní rozvoj. Probíhají v anglickém jazyce, a proto jsou vhodné i pro vaše anglicky mluvící kolegy. Tyto kurzy nejsou zaměřené na zdokonalování vaší angličtiny.

Pokud si chcete osvojit odbornou slovní zásobu, zlepšit svou výslovnost, zbavit se gramatických chyb nebo získat zpětnou vazbu na své komunikační a prezentační dovednosti v angličtině, doporučujeme vám jednodenní kurzy společnosti James Cook Languages, které vedou profesionální lektoři anglického jazyka.

22. 10. 2024Praha 1
Pro všechnyPorovnat
7 990 Kč bez DPHZobrazit
Professional corporate communication
Palác Platýz
Národní 416/37Praha 111000

How do you professionally say you need something? Are you aware that different phrases have distinct meanings in the context of culture and native language? Step into the world of professional corporate communication, where mastering the right language and tone plays a crucial role in your success. Our course will help you develop the skills needed for effective and confident communication in an international environment. Join us and gain confidence in business English and the ability to communicate successfully in managerial situations
Kara Magalhaes
Top Vision s.r.o.

Intercultural communication without borders

Intercultural communication without borders...

1. 11. 2024Praha 1
Pro všechnyPorovnat
7 990 Kč bez DPHZobrazit
Intercultural communication without borders
Palác Platýz
Národní 416/37Praha 111000

Do you want to navigate the intricacies of intercultural communication seamlessly? Welcome to 'Intercultural Communication Beyond Borders,' where we break down barriers and build bridges across cultures. In today's globalized world, understanding cultural nuances is paramount for effective communication and collaboration. Join us on a journey to explore the fundamentals of intercultural communication and unlock the secrets to successful interactions in diverse environments.
Kara Magalhaes
Top Vision s.r.o.

Effective remote team leadership

Remote Team Leadership & Management Master Class

19. 11. 2024Online
další termíny
Pro všechnyKurz s termínem onlinePorovnat
6 990 Kč bez DPHZobrazit
Effective remote team leadership
platforma MS TeamsOnline

Now is the perfect time to enhance your skills in remote team management. We will focus on key aspects of effective leadership in an online environment. We will unlock the mental framework within remote team leadership, focusing on conflict prevention and building natural motivation, crucial for individual and collective self-regulation. Additionally, we will explore the specifics of leading online teams, including maintaining close contact and organizing work. Collaboration and effective communication are also key topics we will address. Join us and gain practical tools and knowledge for successfully leading your remote team.
Milan Podlipný
Top Vision s.r.o.
Bohužel pro zvolená kritéria nyní nemáme žádné akce.



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